We are thrilled to welcome four outstanding individuals to our Board of Directors, each of whom bring tremendous expertise and represent the future of the Prison Society. Together, we will continue to strengthen the Society's mission, vision and impact.
Ashley Biden has worked as a social worker for the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families for 15 years, where she implemented programs for those in the juvenile justice, foster care, and mental-health systems. Ashley has also served as the Associate Director and Executive Director for the Delaware Center for Justice, an organization dedicated to creating criminal justice reform. She now consults for the Alliance for Safety and Justice. Ashley strongly represents the Prison Society’s goal of providing the best aid possible for families impacted by incarceration, and we are thrilled to welcome her to the Board.
Bradley S. Bridge is an Assistant Defender for the Defender Association of Philadelphia, where he has worked for over three decades to represent indigent defendants throughout various levels of the judicial system. Bradley now works for the homicide and appeals units, where he is currently challenging the constitutionality of life imprisonment without parole sentences for juveniles in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the Superior Court and in Courts of Common Pleas. The Prison Society is honored to have a board member so committed to advocating for those who often lack the means to advocate for themselves.
Representative Joanna McClinton has demonstrated a strong dedication to public service even before being elected into the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 2015 and as the House Democratic Leader in 2020. Earlier in her career, Rep. McClinton served as an Assistant Public Defender, Chief Counsel to State Senator Anthony Hardy Williams, and youth ministry leader. The Prison Society will greatly benefit from Rep. McClinton's insight and years of legal, community-centered, and representative experience. Su Ming Yeh is the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Institutional Law Project, an organization dedicated to advocating for and ensuring the rights of incarcerated people across the state. Su Ming is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, a Board Member of the Asian Pacific Bar Association, and a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates. The tremendous work that Su Ming has done in the classroom, courts, and community is right in line with the Prison Society’s dedication to social justice reform.